SWOT Analysis

The strategies that will be pursued over the next 5 years to deliver the vision and outcomes desired by CHD LALC, are discussed in this section of the strategic plan. These respond to the challenges facing the Council from the external and internal environments from which it operates.

Helpful to achieving these objectives Harmful to achieving these objectives


(attributes of the organisation)


–         Considerable land and building assets with good location

–         Dedicated members and staff, Board

–         Effective operations

–         Good financial management, financial stability

–         Community focus

–         Ability to deal with member and community issues

–         Strong partnerships with a range of organisations e.g. NSWALC

–         Culturally appropriate with cultural strength and knowledge

–         Working together as a team towards the same goals

–         Dedication and energy

–         Continuity and consistency of staff and board


–         Lack of member involvement

–         Loss of CEO and corporate knowledge

–         Limited organisational capacity for dealing with big issues

–         Inadequate staff qualifications

–         Inadequate cultural knowledge for land claims

–         Lack of appropriate housing, i.e. social housing

–         Limits to board knowledge impacts on governance

–         Youth – loss of culture / identity / practices / cultural knowledge

–         Poor asset management – loss of land

–         No agreement about who are traditional owners



(attributes of the environment)


–         Use assets to build wealth, e.g. build social housing stock, expansion of housing management services

–         Creative training, business, mentoring, employment opportunities

–         Possible tourism ventures, e.g. eco-tourism

–         Explore sources of government funding for new programs

–         New networks and partnerships

–         Jetty foreshore development

–         Increase member benefits

–         Build cultural knowledge and understanding in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities

–         Expand the Land Council and what it does

–         Hold community meetings in other areas

–         Expand current office space and address external appearance



–         Changing funding landscape

–         Changes in legislation

–         Land developments risk sacred sites, fauna and flora

–         Change of government and corresponding views of land rights

–         Succession planning

–         Mainstream community not valuing of Aboriginal people

–         Lack of member participation

–         Holistic change of board








Our Council has had many achievements over the past three decades, and has been successful in building a financially viable and stable organisation. We are very proud of the continuity and contributions of our members.

Our achievements include:

–         156 land claims lodged with a high proportion of successful claims

–         Assets worth $15 million

–         Development of a new housing policy which has increased our rental income

–         Introduction of a No Alcohol policy within all public areas of Wongala

–         Development of organisational infrastructure

–         Establishment of a strong Board and staff

–         Establishment of many partnerships with both government and non-government organisations

–         Provision of programs for members

–         Social housing for members

–         Acquisition of a 21 seater bus for transporting members

–         Expanded staff – New staff member in property management to support Program Manager, new maintenance supervisor, maintenance assistant appointed

–         More effective internal communications processes e.g. emails, logs of when messages have been received, electronic calendar

–         Compliance with risk assessment from NSWALC

–         Expanded cultural programs, e.g. Language classes, Homework centre established, Tech Savvy seniors course

–         Work with National Parks e.g. wild dog baiting, bush regeneration

–         Low risk LMSS (land council management system) status achieved

–         Secured a place for the Culture and heritage centre in Jetty Foreshore development

–         Community hall (Grace Roberts Hall) has been built, and its use expanded over time

–         Lots of new partnerships, e.g. Elders groups, State forests, RMS, NPWS, LLS

–         Developed 2014 asset management plan

–         PARS assessment completed

–         Culture and heritage program strengthened


–    Building a self-sustaining, financially independent organisation

–    Strengthening cultural awareness and knowledge in the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community

–    Developing thriving successful business developments and enterprise

–    Fostering innovation in what we do

–    Wealth creation for our community

–    Protection of our cultural heritage

–    More NAIDOC week activities

–    Increase number of nephews and nieces participating with land council

–    Cultural centre up and running

–    Do more with our land e.g. economic development and provide employment opportunities

–    Develop businesses that are self-sufficient and support the activities of the Land Council

–    Make bush tucker video

–    Enable more Elders to share their stories

–    Have teachers in the schools teaching Aboriginal languages

–    Need strong organisation to support the community’s needs e.g. health, education, housing

–    Develop a community market garden with unusual produce, such as bush tucker and okra

–    Build better quality homes

–    Lift the profile of the Land Council through internet

–    Raise profile of the Land Council in Wongala with new landscaping and signage


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